Oh Daddy, You Devil! ebook

Barnes & Noble (coming soon)

This is an omnibus of three of my short stories. If you bought them separately, they'd run you over ten bucks, but you can get them all in this one volume for only $7.69! Here is the description:

Three stories of love between Daddies and their step-daughters:

1. It's a Minute After Midnight, Daddy! I'm Finally Eighteen!
2. Daddy, You're the One
3. No One Measures Up to Daddy

Save money! Buy them all together in one easily navigable volume!

FOR ADULTS ONLY. Graphic depictions of sexual contact between Daddies and step-daughters -- intended for readers 18 and up!


It's a Minute After Midnight, Daddy! I'm Finally Eighteen!

It's 12:01 AM on Melissa's 18th birthday . . . and she's STILL a virgin! In tears, she wakes her beloved step-Daddy, Jim, and requests a very special birthday gift from him. . . .

Daddy, You're the One

Joy is home for the summer from her first year of college, and she's still a virgin . . . . She's been saving herself for a special someone to come along, and she finally knows who that special someone will be -- her own step-father!

No One Measures Up to Daddy

John's step-daughter, Jill, is still a virgin at eighteen, and it's all because no one measures up to Daddy -- she simply refuses to lower her standards for that very special "first time" . . . well, she's finally fed up, and she's going to take action!

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